An Emotional Encounter
YANG Juno(Chief curator of Suseong Artpia)
SHIN Junmin conveys what he feels from his surrounding, random places that inspire him. In his effort to accept the inspiration, he trusts his sensitivity and, without any destination, walks toward those places that he finds by chance. He goes there repeatedly and tries to remember what he felt when he arrived there for the first time, which, interestingly, is similar to the way that most artists, generally, work on their work of art. When working, most artists plan for their work first, trying to stick to the plan for a long time and building up certain patterns of expression, which evolves as time passes. No matter how hard they try to follow their initial plan, their work changes not like their intention. Examining their painting, they judge the way their work evolves and confirm often whether it goes as they planned or not, which they repeat until it is done.
He analyzes the process of his work and what he feels about the environment of the places that he chooses. He tries to perceive them and analyze the language of his emotion. He uses the environment of those certain places as the subject of analysis, which, mainly, is his interest. The way he presents the analyzed environment of the places is one of the features of his pictorial perception when working, through which he sees the potential of the aesthetical language and prepares for the appropriateness of it.
According to him, his work is not about his gaze into the subject. It is more about a document of the scenes of the places that he finds by chance, being harmonized with the environment of them. It can be another identification of his existence.
Perceiving nature with his own body and senses, he uses it as the material for his work of art. He is confident that his perception is what makes his work of art, which is why he considers nature something so close to him and breathes in it. He literally interacts with it and builds a unique relationship with it. For him, that kind of relationship is what makes his formative language, in which he plays personal, emotional variations that can be the decisive factor of his work of art. One thing that is so special about his attitude is that he visits those places repeatedly to be more sensitive to the atmosphere of them, so that he can convey the subtle changes in his painting, such as the freshness of nature and the silence of night that can be noticed on his walk. It is a kind of a discipline that makes him realize himself more clearly and walk into his own work. His action to be more sensitive to the subject will make his work more expressive and impressive.
In his painting, the act of perceiving nature itself is the formative language. That aesthetical language has lots of potentials that suit the appropriateness of his work of art. He analyzes his emotions reasonably, makes differences and uses them as his subject. In phenomenology of perception, the body is our general medium for having a world, meaning that the expressive movement of one’s body is what makes a work of art, which explains SHIN Junmin’s work of art. Like the Buddhist practice, Vipassana, which is about focusing on moments of our daily life and seeking insight into the true nature of reality, SHIN Junmin’s way of creating his work of art is very sensitive. His art-making as a means of discipline is the core of the aesthetics of his sophisticated artwork that is all about playing variations of his emotions.